Medicine and Religion in the Trans-Atlantic World, 1550-1800: Call for Chapter Submissions to Edite

This edited volume interrogates the intersection of medicine and religion in a trans-Atlantic context in the early modern period, from 15
50 to 1800. Kathleen Miller, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Toronto/Queen’s University Belfast and author of The Literary Culture of Plague in Early Modern England (Palgrave Macmillan), will edit the volume and seeks out chapter submissions in the areas of literature, history and book history.
Chapters may address, though are not limited to, the following topics:
• Case studies of specific diseases and their textual correlatives in a trans-Atlantic context
• Discussions of devotional writing in times of disease in Europe and across the Atlantic
• Religious and medical author studies that feature trans-Atlantic influence
• Religious tension in trans-Atlantic medical networks
• Puritan interpretations of disease in New England
• Conflicting interpretations of epidemics
• Religion and medicine in travel narratives
• Changing healing practices in the trans-Atlantic world
• Religious and medical texts in the international book trade
• Christianity, disease and the fear of witchcraft in the trans-Atlantic world
• Morality and disease in the trans-Atlantic world
• Religion, medicine and trans-Atlantic slavery
Deadlines: Please submit a 200-word abstract by June 22, 2018, in addition to a 150-word bio to You will be notified by July 2, 2018, if your abstract is accepted
for the volume.
Final chapters, 7,000 words in length, will be due in May 2019. A publisher has expressed interest in the volume.