​Kathleen Miller, The Literary Culture of Plague in Early Modern England, Palgrave Macmillan (2016).
Journal Articles
​Miller, ‘William Winstanley’s Pestilential Poesies in The Christians Refuge: or Heavenly Antidotes Against the Plague in this Time of Generall Contagion to Which is Added the Charitable Physician (1665)’, Medical History, 55.2 (2011).
​Miller, ‘Writing the Plague: William Austin’s Epiloimia Epe, or, the Anatomy of the Pestilence (1666) and the Crisis of Early Modern Representation’, Library & Information History Journal, 26.1 (2010).
​​Edited Volume
Miller and Crawford Gribben (editors), Dublin: Renaissance City of Literature, Manchester University Press (2017).
Folger Shakespeare Library, A Booke of Such Medicines as Have Been Approved by the Speciall Practize of Mrs. Corlyon, V.a.388 (ca. 1606), 112-113. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 and filtered from original.